Accounting for Construction and Builders

The construction and building service industry is growing faster than we ever imagined with constant changes affecting the industry. Engineers and plumbers and everyone in between face similar challenges to meet the demands of the public while also meeting the demands of their employees and subcontractors.

Professionals in the construction industry need an advisor who understands the need for timely assistance with labor and taxation policies, as well as leveraged knowledge to help you identify the best policies for your business.  Our goal is to help all areas in the construction industry to save money, improve your bottom line and provide insightful strategies to prepare for the future. Strong planning will ensure a better future.  

MHC CPA ​has experts in the construction and building service arena to help address accounting, tax planning, compliance, payroll processing, and business consulting needs. We are well poised to understand the unique challenges of this unique industry which blends service and retail products.  Our experts can help with the following tasks:


In addition, our specialized experts can also provide tools to help maximize profits.  These tools could include assistance with calculation of your overhead rates and cost per hour calculations.  Through our specialize expertise, we are here to help all professional service providers maximize their profits. 

Ready to get started?

Schedule an appointment to discuss your business and how we can help you achieve maximum success through strong accounting systems and data analysis.


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